28 years in business - August 2019.

During August we are celebrating 28 years in business at Dexdyne.

This is just the beginning as we roll out new products and services for the future. We are moving into a new age of IIoT with fully supported products and solutions.

Congratulations and thanks to our Founders and staff (past and present) during the last 28 years for their vision, passion and commitment.

Customer testimonial.

We took over support of some remote pumping stations and needed both a reliable and cost effective solution to monitoring these sites.

The sites had little or no services being in “very remote” areas. Having used Dexdyne in a previous role I didn’t hesitate to use them again.

The pumping stations are pumping water from old underground workings and have already proved their value when we had issues and had to recover some operations.

The system allowed a limited work force to keep an eye on things and make decisions from any web-based device anywhere in the world!

I would recommend any one to consider the Dexdyne systems where remote unmanned systems are used, especially in those out of the way places.

Kevin Towler
Electrical Engineer / Energy Services
Hargreaves Industrial Services