DX2 remote communications terminal (RCT) is a smart 4G/ADSL enabled edge device with data logging capability. It is designed to connect to a customer process over a Modbus interface and also accepting direct digital and analogue sensors. This RCT sends logged data to Dexdyne’s Cloud server which can then be viewed using the Enterprise Dashboard providing an end-to-end solution.
DX4 remote communications terminal (RCT) is engineered for applications where continuous monitoring and local data logging is essential. Furthermore, it has software support for LoRaWAN Gateway functions as an option. It makes the DX4 quite unique in providing a gateway to the cloud from both traditional Modbus I/O and the LoRa based sensors. The logged RCT data can be viewed using the Enterprise Dashboard.
DXP100 is designed to provide a complete RCT system in an IP65 enclosure with PSU and support for additional DIN rail mounted I/O to meet the requirements of your outdoor applications.
Cloud based LoRaWAN solutions brought down to earth!
Our LoRaWAN solution is cloudless-making the technology useable in areas with poor backhaul communications.
Dexdyne has created an autonomous wireless Edge device which can capture, decode and log data from LoRaWAN nodes. It can send alerts and execute local control in real time thus opening up many applications in areas with difficult internet connectivity.
Enterprise Dashboard
Dexdyne’s Enterprise Dashboard provides a powerful and intuitive means of interacting and visualising the captured data. The source of the remote data can be from a range of devices from resilient RCT terminals, OEM controllers, LoRaWAN gateway and third party databases.
IOT Solutions as a Service
Dexdyne offers a complete service by helping to select, deploy and commission an end-to-end IoT solution using the latest LoRaWAN devices. Our DX4 supports the LoRaWAN Gateway function and sends data to Dexdyne cloud dashboard. Our Enterprise dashboard enables IoT device management, data visualisation and more.
Vendor Independent Cloud Services
Dexdyne’s Enterprise Dashboard provides a user with freedom to choose from any cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or their own platform to host their data on. The server can be located in any geographical location independent of platform vendors.